returns the currency of the bond this event refers to.
returns the seniority of the bond that triggered the event.
returns true if an event has already occurred before a date if is includeRefDate true, then an event has not occurred if its date is the same as the refDate, i.e. this method returns false if the event date is the same as the refDate.
Returns true if this event would trigger a contract with the arguments characteristics.
matches the event if this event would trigger a contract related to the requested event type. Notice the contractual event types are not neccesarily atomic. Notice it does not check seniority or currency only event type. typically used from Issuer
This method should be called at the end of non-const methods or when the programmer desires to notify any changes.
Credit event on a bond of a certain seniority(ies)/currency
Represents a credit event affecting all bonds with a given
seniority and currency. It assumes that all such bonds suffer
the event simultaneously. Some events affect all seniorities and this has to be encoded through a different set of events of the same event type. The event is an actual realization, not a contractual reference, as such it contains only an atomic type.