Portfolio loss model with analytical expected tranche loss for a large
homogeneous pool with Gaussian one-factor copula. See for example
"The Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution for Synthetic CDO pricing.",
Anna Kalemanova, Bernd Schmid, Ralf Werner,
Journal of Derivatives, Vol. 14, No. 3, (Spring 2007), pp. 80-93.
It can be used to price a credit derivative or to provide risk metrics of
a portfolio.
It should be checking that basket exposures are deterministic (fixed
or programmed amortizing) otherwise the model is not fit for the basket.
Bugging on tranched baskets with upper limit over maximum
attainable loss?
Portfolio loss model with analytical expected tranche loss for a large homogeneous pool with Gaussian one-factor copula. See for example "The Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution for Synthetic CDO pricing.", Anna Kalemanova, Bernd Schmid, Ralf Werner, Journal of Derivatives, Vol. 14, No. 3, (Spring 2007), pp. 80-93. http://www.defaultrisk.com/pp_crdrv_91.htm
It can be used to price a credit derivative or to provide risk metrics of a portfolio.
It should be checking that basket exposures are deterministic (fixed or programmed amortizing) otherwise the model is not fit for the basket.
Bugging on tranched baskets with upper limit over maximum attainable loss?