M. Morandi Cecchi and M. Redivo Zaglia, Computing the coefficients
of a recurrence formula for numerical integration by moments and
modified moments.
Gauss polynomial for the non central chi squared distribution
References: Gauss quadratures and orthogonal polynomials
G.H. Gloub and J.H. Welsch: Calculation of Gauss quadrature rule. Math. Comput. 23 (1986), 221-230, http://web.stanford.edu/class/cme335/spr11/S0025-5718-69-99647-1.pdf
M. Morandi Cecchi and M. Redivo Zaglia, Computing the coefficients of a recurrence formula for numerical integration by moments and modified moments. http://ac.els-cdn.com/0377042793901522/1-s2.0-0377042793901522-main.pdf ?_tid=643d5dca-a05d-11e6-9a56-00000aab0f27&acdnat =1478023545_cf7c87cba4cc9e37a136e68a2564d411