All fixed coupons with start date greater or equal to the
respective option expiry are considered to be part of the
exercise into right.
All float coupons with start date greater or equal to the
respective option expiry are consideres to be part of the
exercise into right.
For redemption flows an associated start date is considered
in the criterion, which is the start date of the regular
xcoupon period with same payment date as the redemption flow.
One factor model non standard swaption engine
All fixed coupons with start date greater or equal to the respective option expiry are considered to be part of the exercise into right.
All float coupons with start date greater or equal to the respective option expiry are consideres to be part of the exercise into right.
For redemption flows an associated start date is considered in the criterion, which is the start date of the regular xcoupon period with same payment date as the redemption flow.
Cash settled swaptions are not supported