returns the IMM code for the given date (e.g. H3 for March 20th, 2013).
warning It raises an exception if the input date is not an IMM date
returns the IMM date for the given IMM code (e.g. March 20th, 2013 for H3).
warning It raises an exception if the input string is not an IMM code
returns whether or not the given string is an IMM code
returns whether or not the given date is an IMM date
next IMM code following the given date returns the IMM code for next contract listed in the International Money Market section of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
next IMM code following the given code returns the IMM code for next contract listed in the International Money Market section of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
next IMM date following the given date returns the 1st delivery date for next contract listed in the International Money Market section of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
next IMM date following the given IMM code returns the 1st delivery date for next contract listed in the International Money Market section of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
Main cycle of the International %Money Market (a.k.a. %IMM) months